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Well, I Swan…

Oh lighten up, Snow…

I have nothing at all profound to say except that this picture amused me with its total randomness. First we have Cinderella doing her Garbo in the prow of the Swan Boat, with Donald at her side – of course. Donald has a balloon. Snow White’s sitting off to the side, […]

The Making of the Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park, 1989

Way back in the day, the Disney Channel showed content that was related to the Disney films and theme parks. And so it was in 1989, when the channel created an hour long special to celebrate the newly-minted Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park in Florida. Hosted by TV’s Fred Newman, then one of the adult stars […]

EPCOT: Origins – The Tripartite Plan, 1975

By 1975, Walt Disney Productions had given up any pretense that it was ever going to build Walt’s city of the future in Florida. The stirring images of Progress City had disappeared from their promotional materials, and by July of that year a Disney spokesman publicly stated that “the concept that was originally envisioned is […]

Music To Eat Fried Ice Cream By…

“George Morrow, Jimmy Allen and Mel Glass join together to perform nightly at our Golf Resort Hotel’s Trophy Room as the Dixie Deltas.” GOLF RESORT’S DIXIE DELTAS ADDS A DANCE FLOOR

Our Golf Resort Hotel recently added a dance floor in the Trophy Room to make evening dining more entertaining. And performing nightly for your […]


The first major element constituting a net addition to the Florida economy is the investment required to establish Disneyworld as a major tourist attraction. The total construction expenditure needed to develop all facilities supporting the basic economic activities at Disneyworld is estimated to be in excess of $620 million during the first 15 years […]