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The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 53 – Doris Hardoon Town Hall, Part II

Disney Legends Doris Hardoon and Wing Chao promote the in-development Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

Happy December! To usher in the month, we at the Progress City Radio Hour are happy to bring you part two of our wide-ranging interview with Disney Legend Doris Hardoon! In this episode, Doris takes us from her work on the […]

Hong Kong Hustle

Interesting and rather exciting news emerged today that Hong Kong Disneyland’s $467 million expansion will be completed a year early. According to sources, Toy Story Playland (ugh) will open later this year, while the two other new areas – Grizzly Trail and Mystic Point – will open in 2012 and 2013. This early opening […]

Diggin’ In Hong Kong Disneyland

A model of the three Hong Kong Disneyland mini-land expansions from the 2009 D23 Expo

Before the holidays, Hong Kong Disneyland posted a rather triumphant video showing the construction that is currently underway in that park. The massive expansion site sits outside the park’s berm, and will contain three mini-lands: Grizzly Trail, Mystic Point and […]

Hey, Look, It’s Mystic Manor

Imagineering model of Mystic Manor for Hong Kong Disneyland, D23 Expo, 2009

Hey, remember when this was happening? Yeah, I keep forgetting too.

While we’re here, we might as well have a few more pictures…

Storyboard art depicts the various show scenes in sequence from the Mystic Manor attraction Storyboards depicting the second half […]

Delightful, Delicious, Delaney

One of Imagineer Tim Delaney’s famous renderings for EPCOT’s The Living Seas pavilion

The last time we spoke of Imagineer Tim Delaney was last year, when he departed Walt Disney Imagineering after thirty-three years with the company. Fans mourned his loss to WDI, as Delaney was a well-known name who had worked on a number […]