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Fire Breathing Dragons!

Fire-breathing dragons rampage through the wilds of Walt Disney World. (Photo: Scott Girard)

Long-time listeners to the podcast might remember a really wonderful two–part interview we did several years ago with horticulturalist and Disney landscaper Scott Girard. During our talk, Scott mentioned how, back when Walt Disney World was being originally landscaped, topiaries were famously placed […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 66 – Boats!

The Progress City Radio Hour sets sail for a nautical exploration of one of Disney’s best features – its boats! Our salty tales include the life of Disney Legend Admiral Joe Fowler, the origin of Disney boat attractions at Arrow Development, a glimpse of life aboard a FriendShip launch, the creation of Disneyland’s Submarine Voyage, […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 61 – The American Adventure!

Let’s return to EPCOT Center for a patriotic extravaganza like no other! Join us for a look at the creation of the groundbreaking attraction The American Adventure, and the history of Americana-themed spectacles that preceded it in the 19th and 20th centuries. Then take your seat for a history of the beloved singing group Voices […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 60 – Imagination!

Maquette of Dreamfinder based on concept art by X. Atencio

Our 40th anniversary retrospective of EPCOT Center gathers one little spark of inspiration to make some memories! Follow Figment to the Dreamport as we explore the development of the classic attraction Journey into Imagination, and find out about previous Kodak promotions both at Disneyland and at […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 59 – Energy!

Conceptual rendering of the Universe of Energy, 1977

We’re riding on sunshine as we continue our 40th anniversary retrospective of EPCOT Center with a look at a few of the faces of energy! Cross the bridge future bound as we explore the development of the classic attraction Universe of Energy, and find out about previous energy […]