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The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 68 – The Sherman Brothers!

To honor the recent passing of Disney Legend Richard Sherman, this special episode of the Radio Hour is a tribute to the iconic and unforgettable Sherman Brothers. We’ll take a look at some of their lesser-known work, from their time before Disney to projects such as Tinpanorama and Summer Magic, to, yes, even SMASH FLOPS! […]

Future Sounds

A friend sent along this video, and I thought it was pretty great. These two guys put this together for their school’s band concert. Check it out:

It’s almost like this amazing music and the attractions from which they come had a timeless, cross-generational appeal or something…

Related Posts…It’s the song, stupid!The Progress City Radio […]

A Musical Souvenir

The biggest thing to emerge on the Disney historical front during my recent blogging absence was the release, on Passport to Dreams Old and New, of A Musical Souvenir of Walt Disney World. This remarkable two and a half hour audio collection provides an aural tour of the Magic Kingdom circa some time in […]

The Perfect Storm Of My Obsessions

There are some things in this world that I love more than others, and many of those involve Disney, classic film, and Turner Classic Movies. So you might imagine my reaction to this bit of news:

TCM Classic Film Festival to Spotlight Disney’s Musical Legacy Multi-Faceted Celebration Presented in Collaboration with D23, The Official Disney […]

Progress City Home Theater: The Boys: The Sherman Brothers’ Story (2009)

The Disney documentary train rolls on, with this rather remarkable look at Richard and Robert Sherman – longtime staff songwriters at Walt Disney Productions and composers of some of the best known ditties ever. Much like Walt & El Grupo, The Boys: The Sherman Brothers’ Story is a family affair. Cousins Gregory V. Sherman […]