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The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 68 – The Sherman Brothers!

To honor the recent passing of Disney Legend Richard Sherman, this special episode of the Radio Hour is a tribute to the iconic and unforgettable Sherman Brothers. We’ll take a look at some of their lesser-known work, from their time before Disney to projects such as Tinpanorama and Summer Magic, to, yes, even SMASH FLOPS! […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 65 – Snow! Part II

Prentis Hale, Walt Disney, John Hench, and Tommy Walker

The Progress City Radio Hour returns to the slopes for more snowbound adventure! We have a wintry mix of tales including a trip to Switzerland with Walt to film on the slopes of the Matterhorn, a look at Disney’s involvement in the 1960 Winter Olympics, and a […]

The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 64 – A Progress City Christmas 2023!

The Progress City Radio Hour mulls the wine and sets out the relish tray for our 2023 Christmas episode! This year we’re hosting two very special historians and authors, Steven Vagnini and Foxx Nolte! We talk about their past, current, and future book projects, and take a look ahead at 2024. History, music, and more […]


Disney animators and staff play Caxanga in Brazil during the 1941 “El Grupo” goodwill trip. The four players are Norm Ferguson, Bill Cottrell, Mary Blair, and Jack Cutting.

For decades now, Disney has been releasing its archival titles to home media, and as the years have passed we’ve seen a number of formats come and go. […]

Book Review: They Drew As They Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney’s Musical Years

I recently received a review copy of Didier Ghez‘s latest masterpiece, They Drew As they Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney’s Musical Years – The 1940s – Part One. I’m pleased to report that – unsurprisingly – it’s another fantastic effort by Didier with an incredible amount of previously unseen conceptual artwork from perhaps […]