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Inside Out! Episode Five

It’s been quite a week… quite a month… quite a year… pretty much all around the world. So why not let’s escape all that – escape through space and time to a magical place called 1994. When the world was new.

Yes, it’s time for a new episode of Walt Disney World Inside Out, this […]

E-Ticket B-Roll

As news about Star Wars Episode VII continues to emerge on a daily basis, let’s turn back the clock once more for some Star Tours shenanigans from 1987. This time we have a video press kit for the then-new Disneyland attraction, hosted by C-3PO himself. It features a canned “news” piece about the ride for […]

Press Tours

Continuing our recent theme of all things Star Tours, here’s the press conference that coincided with the ride’s January 9th, 1987 debut. The event features Dick Nunis, George Lucas, Michael Eisner, Marty Sklar, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, although the good Mr. Katzenberg seems to appear very little in this edited video.

There’s a lot here that […]

Smokey And The Figment

The true gems of being a nerd and researching anything are those moments where you find a bizarre connection that you absolutely never expected and which completely blows your mind. It happens fairly often in the Disneysphere, I think, because over the years the company has employed so many creative and technical personnel who have […]

Reach For Lost Horizons

A week ago, on October 1st, fans marked the 30th anniversary of the Epcot Center classic, Horizons. A cursory peek at the internet, or a Twitter search for the hashtag #Horizons30, would reveal that I’m not the only one who regards Horizons as the greatest ride ever created for a Disney theme park. Horizons […]