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Sneaky Previews, Shanghai Style…

As we continue to wait… and wait… and wait… for any real information about Shanghai Disneyland, we have to look for clues anywhere we can find them. A choice new tidbit comes from this job posting on the official Disney hiring site; in case it disappears, here’s a key quote:

Act on behalf of […]

An Enchanted Opportunity?

If you mess with Polynesia…

The collected interwebs lit up yesterday afternoon with the breaking news that the Magic Kingdom’s “The Enchanted Tiki Room – Under New Management” attraction had closed due to a small fire. Twitter immediately commenced with a torrent of snark poking fun at the unpopular attraction, and to all the scolds […]

Progress City Library – Theme Park Design: Behind The Scenes With An Engineer

For my entire living memory I’ve been obsessed with Imagineering. A childhood was spent poring over my hoarded issues of Disney News and the few park-related books that existed, and was aided and abetted by daily viewings of Walt Disney Presents and the fact that the Disney Channel actually showed park-related content. Yet despite […]

Elseworlds – A Different Look At The Polynesian

Tiki Talk has posted this intriguing artwork, which was found, of all places, at a flea market. Apparently the artist made a living in the 1980s doing renderings for architectural firms; he produced this work for a Houston company that was bidding on the contract for a mid-’80s refurb of the Polynesian Resort at […]

Diggin’ In Hong Kong Disneyland

A model of the three Hong Kong Disneyland mini-land expansions from the 2009 D23 Expo

Before the holidays, Hong Kong Disneyland posted a rather triumphant video showing the construction that is currently underway in that park. The massive expansion site sits outside the park’s berm, and will contain three mini-lands: Grizzly Trail, Mystic Point and […]