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Saturday T.V. Update Round II

While it was never our intent to become a television listing service around these parts, apparently Turner Classic Movies has decided to become something of a Disney Channel in exile. If they’re going to give us what Disney refuses to, then I’m all for publicizing it and making sure everyone knows to tune in. Last […]

A Goofy Post.


Just a brief post to remind everyone that Walt Disney Pictures releases National Treasure: Book of Secrets today on 3,832 screens nationwide (the film is currently lighting up Rotten Tomatoes with a 35% freshness rating). The upside of all this is that before each screening will be shown the first fruits of Disney’s brand […]

Happy 61st

Happy 61st birthday to Song Of The South, the Disney/RKO motion picture that debuted on this day at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. This movie was obviously based on the Uncle Remus stories from Joel Chandler Harris (who in turn wrote them from previously told folk tales), but nonetheless gave us […]

In it to Wynn it

On this day in 1886 (!), Isaiah Edwin Leopold was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When he would later run away from home to join the vaudeville circuit, he would change his name to Ed Wynn to save his family the embarrassment of having an actor in their midst. While Disney fans will know Wynn for […]