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You Have My Immediate Attention

Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund in TRON: Legacy. They’re talking about how excellent Ratatouille was.

It’s been a while since we’ve mentioned anything having to do with Walt Disney Pictures, but there’s a tidbit that’s just emerged from Entertainment Weekly that’s too good to go without comment. According to them, Pixar filmmakers Brad Bird and […]

Tea For TRON and TRON For Tea

Walter Cronkite is one of my heroes. Authoritative yet avuncular, his constant reassuring presence during the events of the later 20th century made him the perfect choice to narrate EPCOT’s Spaceship Earth from 1986 to 1994. So if I love Walter Cronkite, and I love TRON, what would I love the most? Why, Walter Cronkite […]

The Weirdest Yearbook Photo Ever

Rick Heinrichs and Tim Burton with some of the characters from “Vincent” (Disney)

With Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland approaching theaters, it’s good to remember where it all started for Burton – right at the Disney Studios in the early 1980s, alongside a number of talented but underutilized young animators.

The above picture, which shows […]

First Real Look At TRON: Legacy

Teaser poster for TRON: Legacy

By now, you’ve probably seen this at any of the hundred other websites that have already posted it, but I’ll be consarned if I’m going to let some TRON news slip by. We finally have our first real look into the world of TRON: Legacy, the forthcoming sequel to Disney’s […]

101… Damnations?

Hellfire and brimstone are topics not usually associated with Walt Disney Productions.

– Walt Disney Productions, 1981

No, that title is not me being clever and kind of inappropriate. It’s Disney being kind of inappropriate!

I’ve been waiting to show this one to you for a while. This fascinating article appeared in the […]