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By Michael - June 18th, 2024
To honor the recent passing of Disney Legend Richard Sherman, this special episode of the Radio Hour is a tribute to the iconic and unforgettable Sherman Brothers. We’ll take a look at some of their lesser-known work, from their time before Disney to projects such as Tinpanorama and Summer Magic, to, yes, even SMASH […]
By Michael - June 8th, 2014 As we prepare for tonight’s finale of Cosmos (sadness!), what better way to prepare than with another look back at the cutting edge of science education… thirty years ago.
Close-Up On The Planets was a 1982 release by the Walt Disney Educational Media Co., directed by Charles Finance. It was produced during a very exciting […]
By Michael - April 5th, 2014 I’ve been feeling a bit spacey lately…
Let me rephrase that.
Space has been on my mind lately. Not that it’s ever too far off, but it’s nice to have a weekly dose of spacey goodness due to the new series of Cosmos airing on Fox and National Geographic (it’s well worth your time, and […]
By Michael - June 27th, 2012 WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SALAD?????
A few updates…
First, Jeff Kurtti brings us an absolutely amazing story about Walt Disney’s favorite foods. I probably find this way more funny than is reasonable, but that list of foods is just amazing. Stock up on gravy, but please remember: one vegetable only! The idea of […]
By Michael - March 15th, 2012
The really short review? It’s good. You should see it. No, really. It’s fun. Get a free ticket from Amazon and go.
The slightly expanded review:
Disney’s marketing of this film was terrible. Not bad, not so-so, but terrible. They stripped its original title, John Carter of Mars to the unbelievably generic John Carter […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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