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The Ryman Centennial

Imagineer Herb Ryman (1910-1989) paints a rendering of Benjamin Franklin for EPCOT Center’s American Adventure pavilion

It has officially been declared “Herb Ryman Month” here at Progress City; the veteran Disney artist and Imagineer would have been 100 years old this June 28th.

An on-and-off member of the Disney family from the days of Fantasia, […]

A Brief Interlude With Herb Ryman

A rarely-seen and never-used concept painting for EPCOT Center by Herb Ryman (Special thanks to John Donaldson)

The greatest casualty of my real-world existence lately has been a series of book reviews that need writing (and books to review that need reading). First on my list is John Donaldson’s Warp and Weft: The Life Canvas […]

A Not-So-Modest Proposal For Disney Nightlife (Part 2)

Beacon Joe has returned from his shanty on the Rivers of America to continue a series started in OCTOBER 2008! Though much has changed since this article was written, you should read the first part of this series before continuing further….

Yes, I know. My blog posting frequency or (lack thereof) is […]

Going To Kansas City?

I got a press release today about an event this Friday, January 15th, in Kansas City that every Disney fan in the area should attend. I certainly wish that I could make it!

Local group Thank You, Walt Disney is holding a fundraising event and special premiere screening of Ted Thomas’s documentary Walt and El […]


Roy Disney, smiling in Honolulu after completing the 43rd Transpacific Yacht Race on July 24, 2005. Disney and his crew aboard the Pyewacket finished second in the race. (AP Photo)

What’s weird is that I was thinking about Roy E. Disney just this morning.

I don’t remember why; my Disney-related reveries while I should be […]