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By Michael - August 20th, 2009 Previously, on as the Eisner turns, we’d seen our doughty new CEO wrap up his first complete year at the helm of Disney alongside his stalwart counterpart Frank Wells. Profits were on the rise, due in no small part to Eisner’s affinity for raising prices at the popular Disney resorts while cutting costs. There had […]
By Michael - May 19th, 2009 Your newest magical vista?! The new Disney hotel site in Maryland (Washington Post)
Continued apologies for my prolonged absence – it looks like it’s going to be a few more days before my interwebs are up and running again. But this story just came across my transom and I couldn’t resist getting online at work […]
By Michael - May 3rd, 2009 Hong Kong Finance Secretary John Tsang, left, and Walt Disney Parks & Resorts chairman Jay Rasulo pal it up for the cameras
Word emerged late last week that officials from the Hong Kong government would be visiting the Disney lot in Burbank on Friday for more negotiations concerning Hong Kong Disneyland’s long-delayed expansion plans. Apparently […]
By Michael - April 2nd, 2009 “Could I interest you in an economy-sized theme park, only slightly used?”
We’ve discussed the ongoing and contentious negotiations surrounding expansion at the under-built and poorly-attended Hong Kong Disneyland, culminating in the standoff last month when Disney fired thirty of the Imagineers working on designing new attractions for the park. Disney claimed that there had […]
By Michael - March 16th, 2009 I’ve got a baaad feeling about this…
Breaking news from the South China Morning Post:
30 jobs go as Disney halts HK expansion
No timetable for growth, park told
Dennis Eng Mar 17, 2009
The Walt Disney Company has halted all creative and design work on the expansion of Hong Kong Disneyland, cutting more than […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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