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Pretty Middle Manager

A couple of days ago, as you might recall, we took a look at Dick Nunis’s bright idea for managerial fashion at Walt Disney World in 1991:


Well, that very day, sharp-eyed Progress Citizen and real-world chum Kate pointed out the following, which nearly killed me. Above you see fashion from Walt Disney World […]

The Scriptorium – The Muppet Man

I first heard about The Muppet Man last December when it received a great deal of publicity due to its appearance at the top of the fabled “Black List.” The list, which has become something of a big deal, is an annual ranking of that year’s best unproduced scripts circulating around Hollywood. Making the list […]

Around The World In Eighty Mehs

A saw a story yesterday that made me realize that there have been a lot of little bits and pieces of news trickling out lately about new attractions that are coming to some of the less-covered Disney parks overseas. These developments don’t tend to get the coverage that new American attractions receive, so I thought […]

Talkin’ Bout Studios

About a week ago, Matt Hochberg at the Studios Central site posted a thoughtful counterpoint to my “top ten” article about fixing the Hollywood Studios park. It’s understandable that our viewpoints differ on the matter of the Studios; obviously I have a number of significant problems with the way the park has developed, while Matt […]

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb

Last December, we pointed out that on the announcement of the 2010 slate from Walt Disney Pictures, the upcoming animated feature Rapunzel was listed as a “working title.” This squared with a couple of comments I had seen on animation-related blogs; most noticeably, the comments section of the Animation Guild’s blog featured speculation that […]