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By Michael - July 20th, 2022 Disney animators and staff play Caxanga in Brazil during the 1941 “El Grupo” goodwill trip. The four players are Norm Ferguson, Bill Cottrell, Mary Blair, and Jack Cutting.
For decades now, Disney has been releasing its archival titles to home media, and as the years have passed we’ve seen a number of formats come and go. […]
By Michael - October 27th, 2011
Earlier this month I had the privilege of writing a piece for Storyboard, the official blog of the Walt Disney Family Museum. As readers will know, I’m a big fan of the museum so I was very glad to be able to help out. My story concerns the making of The Great Locomotive Chase, […]
By Michael - April 3rd, 2011 Yes.
It seems like everyone is talking about The Rocketeer lately. And by everyone, I guess I mean me.
There’s actually been a frisson of conversation recently about the 1991 Walt Disney Pictures production on Twitter, owing to the recent release of a rather snazzy trailer for this summer’s Captain America. Marvel’s latest […]
By BeaconJoe - February 25th, 2010
Beacon Joe has returned from his shanty on the Rivers of America to continue a series started in OCTOBER 2008! Though much has changed since this article was written, you should read the first part of this series before continuing further….
Yes, I know. My blog posting frequency or (lack thereof) is […]
By BeaconJoe - February 23rd, 2010
Hello folks, it’s Beacon Joe here again. First off, I’d like to thank everyone for listening and commenting on the podcast, and hope you all enjoy it. The reason I’m writing is to obtain a little information on a ditty Michael and I overheard at the D23 convention last September.
We had the pleasure […]
The Progress City Primer
 From the Progress City archives comes this collection of 33 tall tales and true from Disney history. Available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats.
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