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Disney animators and staff play Caxanga in Brazil during the 1941 “El Grupo” goodwill trip. The four players are Norm Ferguson, Bill Cottrell, Mary Blair, and Jack Cutting.

For decades now, Disney has been releasing its archival titles to home media, and as the years have passed we’ve seen a number of formats come and go. […]

Book Review: They Drew As They Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney’s Musical Years

I recently received a review copy of Didier Ghez‘s latest masterpiece, They Drew As they Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney’s Musical Years – The 1940s – Part One. I’m pleased to report that – unsurprisingly – it’s another fantastic effort by Didier with an incredible amount of previously unseen conceptual artwork from perhaps […]

Oranges Are Good For You

Last month we talked about how the Citrus Swirl, a cult-classic Magic Kingdom snack, had made a fortuitous return to the Sunshine Tree Terrace in Adventureland. Over the years so much of the quirky texture of the Magic Kingdom has been stripped away, so it’s good to see something which would otherwise seem insignificant return. […]

Your Pocket Review Of “John Carter”

The really short review? It’s good. You should see it. No, really. It’s fun. Get a free ticket from Amazon and go.

The slightly expanded review:

Disney’s marketing of this film was terrible. Not bad, not so-so, but terrible. They stripped its original title, John Carter of Mars to the unbelievably generic John Carter […]

Keeping Walt Disney World As Walt Disney World

Everyone – especially any of you bunkered down in Burbank or Glendale – should read the latest at Passport to Dreams Old and New about how alterations to Walt Disney World have stripped it off some of its unique feeling. More often than not, these alterations are caused by sloppiness, and a general lack of […]