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The Only Coaster I Want In World Showcase… By Michael - July 9th, 2011  Two snaps and a sarape
I’m not sure when this seriously awesome coaster dates to, but it has to be pretty close to 1982. Not only does it use the original Mexico pavilion logotype, but it uses the fairly rare World Showcase typeface as well.
Also, I love Donald’s jaunty snaps.
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Has to be 1986.
Characters invaded..I mean introduced into EPCOT the fall of 1985.
Nice catch, and great point! I didn’t even think about the early character embargo.
Also has to be 1986 or later because the copyright simply says “Disney”, rather than “W.D.P.” or “Walt Disney Productions”. Great coaster! Did they do others?
Another excellent catch! I’m really off my game today 🙂
I don’t know if there were others or not – maybe others will chime in if they have them in their closets…
You must have quite a collection!! Have you ever counted the number of Disney items you own?
The most interesting take on the word ‘coaster’. In fact, this is definitely a breath of fresh air, after all, not everyone’s into thrill rides.
Not sure what’s going on with those legs. Is that duckily possible? Fowl anatomy was never one of my strengths.
[…] City, U.S.A. shows us a coaster from World Showcase! Hint: It’s not a thrill […]