I have nothing at all profound to say except that this picture amused me with its total randomness. First we have Cinderella doing her Garbo in the prow of the Swan Boat, with Donald at her side – of course. Donald has a balloon. Snow White’s sitting off to the side, looking kind of hacked off, maybe because she’s having to steward a half dozen little kids in weird frilly period costume. Half of them look like lost Dutch children from the 19th century and the others look like Huck Finn. Then, of course, we have Goofy chilling towards the rear of the boat, noticeably not keeping his hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Princesses, moppets and Goofy? Naturally!
What was this for?!
Obviously the final survivors from LOST making their way back to civilization… all their clothes were in rags, and these were the only things the Disney Magic had to dress them in after picking them up at sea.
Looks to me like everyone’s waiting for the cameras to roll for a video/film shoot.
I find Donald with the Mickey balloon hysterical.