I thought we were past this. I honestly, swear-to-heaven, blindly, stupidly and naively believed that we were past this.
Times had changed, I thought. The new guys at the top meant that this sort of thing wouldn’t happen anymore. Management had ideals again, and we weren’t going to see the same old garbage shoveled our way while we’re told to like it.
I know this is old news, as it happened while I was away. But while most Disney fans already knew about the impending and inconceivable closure of Pleasure Island’s Adventurer’s Club, it’s my blog so I get to vent my rage whether it’s timely or not.
Quite simply, this is the most blindingly stupid thing that Disney has done since Bob Iger took the reins of the company from Michael Eisner. It’s redolent of the stench of incompetence that permeated the later career of Eisner and his lackey Paul Pressler. It’s shortsighted and ridiculous, and Disney’s pathetic and fatuous attempts to justify it insult fans and guests alike.
I’ll write more about this in the future, but for now I’ll just say this: a company that is constantly drowning us in marketing dreck about the new wave of “interactivity” and “immersive” entertainment is closing down the most remarkable example of the immersiveness they claim to covet. From “Myst Island” to “Nightly Kingdom” it’s all come to a load of bollocks so far, but Joe Rohde and WDI actually did it at the Adventurer’s Club.
To whomever is responsible for this decision, whomever signed off on it, and to the lackeys and flacks who so insultingly have tried to sell this to the public – think about what you’re doing. If you don’t see the inherent ridiculousness of it, resign immediately.
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