I’m not exactly a “parade” person – though I do like me a bit o’ paradin’ – but as many, many others seem to be I thought it worth mentioning that the “Block Party Bash” parade has premiered at Walt Disney World’s Hollywood Studios. The parade, previously of California’s Adventure, recently departed Anaheim’s sunny shores to make way for the new “Pixar Play Parade”. Pixar, Pixar everywhere, eh?
Anyway, the parade seems to have been pretty well received, although I must say that inheriting DCA’s hand-me-downs must be a bit like getting secondhand clothes from your little brother the axe-murderer. Nevertheless, the hardworking entertainment Cast Members seem to be busting their tails as usual so you parade fans will have something new to see the next time you’re standing in the shadow of the Accursed Hat. Below are two Disney promotional photos; click on them to view a larger image.

Read the Orlando Sentinel coverage
See more pictures courtesy of the mighty mighty EpcotServo (beware of SAMPO)
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