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Oscar Season in Progress City By Michael - February 25th, 2008 Now playing at the Progress City Googleplex…
 “I drink your honey! I drink it up!”
I have to say, I think the graphic violence was a little over-the-top. Still, Big Al has cemented his reputation as one of our generation’s finest actors. Liver Lips kinda phoned it in, but that guy is just in it for the paycheck I hear.
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Laughing out loud, I’m sending a link to this page to the Disney fans I know. Had _this_ version of “There Will Be Blood” been filmed I think more people would’ve tuned into the Oscars this year 😉 Thanks for the daay brightener!
Oh my stars and garters, I got linked by a Koster! As someone who goes back to R.A.D. circa 1994-95 or so, this is exciting stuff. Fantastic to see you here!
Glad you enjoyed it. For some reason, I’m completely transfixed by it. My only regret is that the film doesn’t actually exist, as it’s something I’m now desperate to see.
Thanks for dropping by!
The only other thing the Oscars needed was Helen Mirren descending from an unfurling flower on the ceiling to present the award.
Oh my… now *that* would be award worthy