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The Progress City Radio Hour – Episode 50 – Fifty Happy Episodes!

Fifty! FIFTY!

Fifty episodes! Can you believe it? It’s true though – The Progress City Radio Hour has hit its fiftieth episode mark. And to celebrate, we’re looking at some 50th anniversary celebrations from the past: 1973’s 50th anniversary of Walt Disney Productions, and 1978’s 50th birthday of Mickey Mouse. Thankfully each of these […]

Now, The Adventure Is Real!

Like every other website, I am now required to meet a daily quota of posts about Star Wars.

Back in 1987, vacationers looking for a bit of “intergalactic pleasure travel” were able to embark for the first time on Star Tours at Disneyland. But while the attraction’s grand opening was held on January 9th, the […]

Star Tours, Those Crazy Star Tours!

Heard any Star Wars news lately? Nah, me either.

Considering the recent explosion of all things Star Wars since Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm, it’s interesting to look back at the beginnings of the company’s involvement with the Lucas empire. Overtures between the two parties went back as far as the Ron Miller era, when Imagineer […]

A Walt Disney World Fever Dream

Long ago, we old people had something called “film”. Film was how we made pictures move, and some of us had machines called “projectors” that we would use at home to make the pictures appear on a wall or bedsheet.

Before the era of smartphone video, and even up to the advent of the VHS […]

20 ans

This last weekend, Disneyland Paris kicked off the press events marking the arrival of its – brace yourself – 20th anniversary celebration. That’s right – twenty years! I’ll pause if you, like me, need to take a moment and breathe.

Related Posts…Euro Disney’s Future That Never WasAn Unforgettable Stay At Disneyland Paris… No, ReallyOh, Eisner […]