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Well, we’re back from the World so regular posting should recommence soon. Sorry for the media blackout; it was a hectic week leading up to departure and there was no time for blogging once there. It was an interesting trip, though, so we have lots to talk about. Time to get to work…

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A note from The Powers That Be…

Those of you who peruse the site regularly might have noticed the emergence of a couple of new page links on that handy sidebar on the right of your screen. We’re going to keep a running tally of new animation and park projects, with all the news we can scavenge from around the net. Look […]

Who are you?

Well, who are you? Kelly Hu? If so, email immediately.

Otherwise, I’m interested in knowing who’s out there. The internet is fascinating because we have all these little tracking geegaws that can tell us how many people are checking in and even, roughly, where they are geographically (hi Beverly Hills! Send money!). Thankfully, it […]

To all who come to this happy place…

But just as this site will chronicle all that is good about the house that Walt built, so shall we thoroughly mock and deride those areas where they fall short. As God is our witness, we shall not abide another Journey Into YOUR Imagination. Or California Adventure. Or what’s left of the Disney-MGM Studios. Or […]