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As you discovered in the previous page, this site is laid out much like the Universe of Energy attraction itself. You can explore the site in "show order", or in any order you wish. We've made a considerable effort to make the site easy and intuitive to explore, however you choose to.

Below you'll find a brief summary of what to expect in each section. For more details, you can also visit our extensive Help section, which includes answers to frequently asked questions, a site map, and more. For site news and all other guest needs, there's Guest Relations, which offers extensive information about the site, including a list of Recent Updates, an Update Schedule.

A great starting point, Pavilion offers a background on Universe of Energy, with information on its architecture, ride layout, show scripts and information, and much more.

Relive the mesmerizing "Kinetic Mosaic" pre-show, or enter Ellen's nightmare, in "Ellen's Crisis". You'll also discover how both films were created, and how the original "Kinetic Mosaic" screen worked.

Theater I:
This is where guests first board the Travelling Theater. In our Theater 1, you can discover the "Energy Creation Story" film and the "Big Bang" film. There's also an extensive gallery featuring the Traveling Theater and Theater I films.

Primeval Diorama:
At the end of the Theater I film, guests are invited to travel back, hundreds of millions of years to a dark and mysterious past, where dinosaurs roamed the land. In our Diorama, you'll come face-to-face with the dinosaurs once again, through our interactive Dinosaur Explorer, Dinosaur Timeline, Diorama Storyline, Dinosaur Resources, and more.

Theater II:
Having seen how fossil fuels were formed in the age of the dinosaur, guests were primed for an exploration of current and future energy resources. Our site picks up that story with a look at the films, energy resources (coming soon), and a gallery of images from the films.

Finale/Post Show:
Exploring the dazzling finale from the original show, and face Final Joepardy! with Ellen in her Energy Adventure. Here you'll also learn how you can "Save the Tiger".

Energy Exchange:
The original Energy Exchange was a hands-on environment where guests could learn more about Energy resources. Here we explore the now-defunct Energy Exchange with the a look at its exhibits, and continue its mission with a look at energy resources and conservation (coming soon) , and extend a hand to our virtual community through the Community Forum (coming soon).

There is a lot to explore here, and as you've seen, a lot more to come! We're currently developing Phase II of the site. Once it's closer to completion, we'll announce the even more ambitious "Phase III." We hope you'll visit again, for like the story of energy itself, our site will always be evolving.