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Please note, this section covers news, announcements, and major events at the site. If you're looking for the newest features and updates, be sure to view recent updates.

News and announcements are listed in reverse order (newest first):

Jan 8, 2009 Yesterday was the day the lights almost went out here at Planet7.org. Faced, as many of us are right now, with the looming economic crisis, we were unable to keep the site going. For the first time ever, we had to ask for donations. We're happy to say that not only were the immediate needs of the site met, but that with several generous donations, we'll be able to keep the site going for at least the near future. We'd like to thank those who offered financial assistance when we needed it, as well as those who sent kind words, well wishes, and other offers of help. It's extremely gratifying to know that our hard work and labor of love is so appreciated.

We'd also like to say that, while life keeps getting in the way, we do have an update for the site planned. As extensive as this site is, the Energy story hasn't fully been told yet. There's still the Cast Member perspective, more Ride & Show Technology, and our ultimate goal--to to reach beyond the attraction, to the actual message of the attraction. That's right, we're looking at telling the bigger story, the story for which the attraction could only whet your appetite, and encourage you to explore and learn more. We look forward to EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site being that place to explore and learn.

We can't offer a timeline, but we do ask that you stay tuned. As always, the adventure is just beginning, and we're thrilled that you're along for the ride!

Jul 14, 2007 Happy Anniversay to EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site!

Jul 15, 2006 We regret the inconvience, but the Guestbook is offline until further notice. Spammers have attemped--without success--to use the Guestbook to disseminate their spam. A curse and a pox upon them all! :)

We'd like to wish EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site a belated happy fourth annivsary!

Jul 14, 2005 A lot has happened in the last year. We started off our second anniversary with very ambitious plans for regular updates, but as all too often happens, life gets in the way. NRG_Guy started a new career, Gary7 a new business, we each moved, and much more. Life is moving along briskly for both of us--but we haven't left EPCOT's Universe of Energy behind. As time has permitted, we've continued to work on some major updates. They're finally coming to fruition now, and we hope to have them rolled out in the coming months.

In the meantime, we thought we'd celebrate our third year by taking a look back at what has been, and what might have been. Martin Smith, always a generous contributor to this site, has given us a very special anniversary gift: clips from pre-opening films from 1978 and 1980, showing the original Universe of Energy as we knew it, and what appears to be the "Solar Energy Pavilion" concept that was never used. This rarely-seen footage is a must-see for any Universe of Energy or EPCOT Center fan! He's also created three more clips from the original ride, for a total of five new videos. We can't thank Martin enough for sharing this with us!

We've also expanded Community Forum, starting with the Guestbook feature. We hope you'll stop by there and share your thoughts. Other Community Forum features, including EPCOT & Energy News, Meet the World, and more are coming soon.

The next really big update will be the long-awaited and expansive Cast Members section. We don't have a definite timeline on that yet, but we hope to be ready with it soon!

We hope you enjoy the updates, and continue to check back with us, as the Universe of Energy story continues to unfold.

Jul 14, 2004 Wow! It’s hard to believe we’re at our second anniversary already! Long-time visitors will know that we always have a special surprise for the anniversaries of the site and related Yahoo Group (which is enjoying its third anniversary). This year's "surprise" is a move to our new home at energy.planet7.org. Finally we have, as Walt described the Florida property, "the blessing of size". With 500 megabytes of storage (up from a paltry ten!), we finally have the room to explore all the ideas and adventures we can possibly imagine.

And while it may not look like we’ve done much in the last year, we’ve been very hard at work "backstage"! At present, we have a number of projects that are still in the works, and we’ll be rolling them out in the coming weeks and months. But in keeping with tradition, we’ve reserved the big update for our anniversary! In fact, we’ve worked right down to the wire to get several of those projects completed in time for the celebration.

So what’s new to see? How about galleries? Ten of them in all, with over a hundred new photos! Each major area of the site--from Energy Exchange to Finale--now has at least one gallery. Most have two, three, or even four to enjoy. And as we have time and gather additional photos, those galleries will be expanded and more will be added.

Thinking a bit bigger? Now you can! Enjoy some of your favorite Energy images as Wallpaper. We made a special trip to Epcot recently, and captured many great high-resolution digital images. We’ll be sharing them as wallpaper, and rotate them on a regular basis. Keep checking back as we’ll be offering new selections periodically.

Our extremely popular Ride & Show Technology section is one step closer to completion, with the addition of an informative article on the Special Effects used in the Universe of Energy. Even if you’re not a techie, you’ll want to check this out, and see how some of the "magic" is created!

Finally, the crowning touch. Due to the generosity and tireless efforts of Group member and friend Martin Smith, from Manchester, UK, we’re now able to offer video footage of the original Universe of Energy ride! This is an extraordinary opportunity to relive the dazzling Kinetic Mosaic pre-show, board the Traveling Theater for the Energy Creation Story, visit the EPCOT Energy Information Center (Theater II) and culminate with one of the most up-beat and energetic finales Disney has ever created! We are extremely grateful to Martin for making this section possible, and we hope you’ll share your thanks with him as well.

One final note, if you’re visiting the site immediately following the update, please pardon our dust! Following the move, as well as developing updates right up to the last moment, we haven’t had as much time to iron out all of the kinks and ensure that everything is completely "show ready". In Disney parlance, we’re in "Test & Adjust" mode. Rest assured that we’ll be testing, tweaking and improving in the coming days and weeks. But with so much going on, we need your help! If you happen to experience any "technical difficulties" or notice anything amiss during our "Soft Opening", please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thorough as we may be, it is still possible that we may have overlooked something.

And now, on with the show!!

Jul 14, 2003 It's our one-year anniversary! For the next month, our opening page will count up the days that we've been in operation. It's a fitting homage to the "show timer" that mysteriously appeared here just a little over a year go, counting down the hours and minutes until our official opening.

We invite you to take a look back at where we've been, then join us as the adventure continues, with our biggest update ever!

There's so much new to see, starting with our new "Ride and Show Technology" section, boasting ten brand-new pages that "peel back the curtain" on Universe of Energy's and EPCOT's technology. You'll encounter massive movable walls, see how energy is "beamed" through thin air, see how the amazing Traveling Theater works, and much more!

From there, you can once again travel back 300 million years, with our extensive updates to the Diorama section. Start with our updated Diorama Storyline, complete with new graphics, expanded epilogue, and more. Then see how the 300-million-year storyline is presented with our graphic, interactive Diorama Timeline. While our "Dinosaur Timeline" focused on the Dinosaurs themselves, the Diorama Timeline completes the picture with a graphic view of how the storyline plays out. Finally, visit our new Diorama Galleries for a close-up look at the Dinosaurs!

In addition to many, many changes to streamline and improve the site, Guest Relations and the Site Map (within help) have been overhauled, to make them even easier to navigate.

Of course, there is always more to come, as we continue with our Phase II expansion, and look forward to Phase III. There will also be some unexpected suprises (not listed in the Phase II schedule) along the way! Stay tuned!

Nov 26, 2002 We're currently working on a feature tentatively called "Meet the Community." Part of the Community Forum in Energy Exchange, "Meet the Community" will allow the members of the EPCOT's Universe of Energy Group to get to know one another better. It will provide a space for each member who wishes to do so, to post a short bio.

Personal history, favorite Disney memories, and more are welcome in your bio. Each member's page will be complete with an "NRG Name Tag" bearing the member's name (or screen name), like the sample at right. Please note that we're not accepting bios at the this time, as the section is still under development. But if you'd like to give it some thought and write something up, please do so.

Nov 7, 2002 Phase II of EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site has begun. We've added a Dinosaur Timeline, Dinosaur Resources, and more. Check the recent updates for details.

Jul 14, 2002 EPCOT's Universe of Energy Companion Site is 102!