Home > Help > Group FAQs

Here we try to answer some of the more common questions about the site. If you have a question that's not answered here, please feel free to email the Webmaster.

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Q: What is EPCOT's Universe of Energy Group?

A: The "other half" of our online community, EPCOT's Universe of Energy on Yahoo Groups provides a lively and intelligent discussion forum. It's a great place to share a common interest in Universe of Energy, EPCOT, and other Disney topics. To learn more, click here.

Q: What is Yahoo Groups?

A: Yahoo Groups, a merger of Yahoo Clubs and eGroups, is a free and easy-to-use service which provides discussion forums, live chat, and more. You can view and post messages on the Group's web site, or even have messges delivered directly to your email (you can reply from email as well).

Q: How do I sign up?

A: For detailed information on the group and a sign-up form, click here.

Q: Is there any charge?

A: No. It's absolutely free to sign up and use EPCOT's Universe of Energy Group. Yahoo Groups are ad-supported, so you will see ads on the Web site, and a small ad may appear at the end of Group messages.

Q: Is my privacy protected?

A: The Group's founders/moderators will not reveal or otherwise use your email address or other personal information for any purpose other than that required for offical Group functions. For details on what personal information Yahoo itself collects and uses, please vist their privacy page.

Q: Do I have to recieve messages through email?

A: No, you can use the Group's web site to view and post messages. Email delivery can make it easier to keep up with and respond to messages, though.

Q: I posted a message on the Group and it didn't appear. Why?

A: New members' posts are "moderated", which means that one of the Group's founders/moderators must approve your message before it appears on the Group. The moderation feature is used only to prevent "spam" and "flames" from being posted to the Group. We try our best to maintain a safe, friendly, and spam-free environment for everyone.

Messages may also be delayed by Yahoo itself. While unmoderated messages usually appear right away, Yahoo's servers may at times be slow to respond. A message may take up to 24 hours to appear on the Group.

Q: Am I in danger or viruses spread through the Group?

A: Some Yahoo Groups allow email "attachments" to be included with Group emails. That can be a handy feature for groups which share files (particularly pictures, video, and other media), but it can also allow viruses, worms, trojans, and other malicious attachments to be spread through a Group.

EPCOT's Universe of Energy Group does not allow attachments, so this is not an issue. We advise you not to be complacent though, as there are threats from other emails and other sources. We highly recommend that install, use, and keep up-to-date virus-scanning software and a personal firewall.